Carson City
1800 - 1900
District Attorney's from 1800 -1900
1861- Dighton Carson
1863- S.D. King
*King resigned after one month and T.D. Edwards was appointed on 10/02/1863*
*Edwards resigned after four months and E. Haydon was appointed on 02/10/1864*
1864- R.M. Clark
1866, 1868- Samuel Denson
*Denson resigned in 1868 and Thomas Wells was appointed on 04/06/1870*
*William Patterson replaced Wells later that year by appointment*
1868- Thomas Wells
1870, 1872, 1874- William Patterson
1876- Trenmor Coffin
1878- M.A. Driesbach
1880- Horace F. Bartine
1882, 1884, 1886, 1888 - James D. Torreyson
1890- T.D. Edwards
1892, 1894, 1896- A.J. McGowan
1898- J. Emmett Walsh